File your returns with accuracy by staying up-to-date on recent tax changes with the most current tax preparation guide. Critically-acclaimed by tax professionals, Preparing Your Trust Tax Returns is updated annually and provides the most comprehensive coverage and in-depth analysis of the rules for trust tax returns available.
File your returns with accuracy by staying up to date on recent tax changes with the most current tax preparation guide. Critically acclaimed by tax professionals, Preparing Your Trust Tax Returns is updated annually and provides the most comprehensive coverage and in-depth analysis of the rules for trust tax returns available.
Features & Coverage: Why do tax professionals across Canada come back to Wolters Kluwer year-after-year? It's simple!
We provide the most comprehensive tax resource available anywhere.
Federal and provincial income taxes are exhaustively detailed.
Descriptions of forms and analysis of necessary information are organized by topic.
Preparing Your Trust Tax Returns will give you the professional expertise, confidence, and time-saving efficiency you need to deliver your best returns.
What's New in the 2025 Edition:
Latest CRA and Department of Finance pronouncements;
Changes to the filing requirements for bare trusts;
Extension of the capital loss carryback for graduated rate estates; and
The increase to the capital gains inclusion rate, including many technical amendments and specific requirements applicable to trusts.